Some may have heard the expression before: “Proper Planning Prevents Pretty Poor Performance” or possibly a less pleasant version, but I will leave that to your imagination. Permutations previewed in this photo provide possibilities for a plethora of problems, primarily CO poisoning!
Please provide proper ventilation for atmospheric combustion equipment such as the water heater shown here.
This is common configuration for a water heater, drawing combustion air from its surroundings, but it can create problems!
Pressures in a house can change and affect equipment like this. Our predecessors discovered that it was more pleasant when smoke from the fire went up the chimney. It’s more than pleasant but imperative!
This chimney shown is going downhill before it goes up, the primary problem! Our heating equipment needs to be vented properly or those gasses enter our homes. Consider having your combustion equipment checked as part of a whole house assessment.
Please, a plug, poke, or paltry plea, proper planning provides prime performance, and prevents poisoning (CO that is!).